The popularity of broadcasting to the world on platforms like Twitch and YouTube has definitely helped way too many narcissists embed themselves in the zeitgeist, but until PewDiePie or Ninja build a literal cult on that foundation, the big bad in real life will always be capitalism’s need to commodify every aspect of our lives. Borderlands is at its best when the villain is capitalist greed rather than a pair of livestreaming weirdos, making even this brief taste of Handsome Jack enough to overshadow any emotion the Calypso twins managed to evoke in me during the main campaign.

That said, Handsome Jack’s proximity to the action also serves to highlight just how weak Borderlands 3 was in the antagonist department. This is a welcome return to form for someone like me who spent an ungodly amount of time with Borderlands 2 while waiting for the third instalment, and I relished each new bit of negging from Handsome Jack during my time with Moxxi’s Heist. Various audio and video recordings still dispense his sneering rants about money and status, golden statues line every hall and avenue, and a giant hologram projection of his masked face looms over the entire complex.
#Borderlands 3 madcap full
What follows is a madcap and vaguely Las Vegas-themed romp through the spacefaring casino, full of the same hit-or-miss humour for which the Borderlands series has come to be known.Īlthough Handsome Jack is dead and a new villain has taken his place at the top of the casino’s hierarchy, his presence throughout Moxxi’s Heist is constant and undeniable. Mad Moxxi, the franchise’s ever-present and lustful clown bartender-the phrase “clown bartender” makes slightly more sense in context of the Borderlands universe-is planning to rob the place now that Jack is dead, and so she enlists the Vault Hunters of Borderlands 3 to assist in her heist. The narrative of Moxxi’s Heist revolves around the titular Handsome Jackpot, a floating space casino built by Handsome Jack sometime between his ascent to power and violent death in Borderlands 2. This opinion was only strengthened by the DLC’s inclusion of a pseudo-return of the previous instalment’s corporate douchebag. While I very much enjoyed Borderlands 3 and believe this is a fun and necessary continuation of its looter-shooter adventure, the main villains and conflicts consistently felt like cheap detours compared to Handsome Jack. Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, the first of four major DLC expansions planned for Borderlands 3, is an odd duck with regard to the way it’s made me reconsider the game’s main campaign.