Saul led an army of white-robed followers against the charr attacking Kryta, and after their victory on the battlefield, the White Mantle seized Kryta themselves. The White Mantle was a religious cult formed years ago in Kryta by Saul D'Alessio, a drunk and a thief who preached the false doctrine of the Unseen Ones, his mysterious invisible masters. To understand who we are, you must first understand how the White Mantle seized control of our beloved Kryta. The Shining Blade was formed to rid our homeland of the oppressive White Mantle regime and restore the Krytan monarchy. Section 4: The History of the Shining Blade We are the true sons and daughters of Kryta.

Loyalty and service to Kryta and the Shining Blade, courage in the face of threat. Section 3: Shining Blade Values The pillars of the Shining Blade are loyalty, courage, and service. Without a secure, functioning Krytan kingdom first and foremost, all else falters. Your priorities will always fall in this order: Kryta, Krytan royalty, Krytan citizens. You have vowed to give your life for Kryta and, by extension, the royal head. You've taken a heroic step toward being a defender of Kryta. Section 2: Being an Agent of Kryta Welcome to the Shining Blade. Updated versions of it have been handed out to recruits ever since.

Text "The Shining Blade Manual," by Master Exemplar Bartholos Section 1: Introduction This copy of "The Shining Blade Manual," written by Master Exemplar Bartholos in 1089 A.E., is a first edition. Complete the Student of Bartholos achievement.A complete, first edition copy of "The Shining Blade Manual," written by Master Exemplar Bartholos in 1089 A.E